1. Bagels from Zabar’s, a Jewish Deli in the West Village
2. Seeing Feifei’s office at Time Magazine
3. Shopping at Top Shop, a new store from England
4. Sushi at Oyama, where everything is 50% off and delicious
5. Pumpkin frozen yogurt at Pinkberry
6. Record shopping in Brooklyn. My best purchase was The Dirtbombs' album Dangerous Magical Noise
7. Visiting fellow SCAD grad Liz Goff at Haute Hippie's sample sale
8. Finding a cute black and white dress from Beacon’s Closet, a fabulous Williamsburg vintage shop
dearest laura, here are 10 reasons why i’m so happy you were born:
1. you tell AMAZING stories. the simplest occurrence can be so memorable and hilarious after you tell it.
2. you were my first dear friend at scad. who would have guessed that a wisconsinite and a jersey girl could meet and become besties in the south?
{image: laura & i acting fabulous in 2004}
3. you’ve traveled the country to visit me all over the place and i truly appreciate it.
4. you showed me how to cook and continue to be a stickler on following recipes exactly.
5. you have the LOUDEST, craziest, most fabulous family. i’m so fortunate that you’ve shared them with me and that they’ve shared their lady gaga impersonations.
6. you had so much fun at st. patty’s the first year, that you never had to go back for all the other years.
7. you hold the record for leaving me the longest voicemail messages. they’re always so funny to listen to and usually include some sort of laura sound effects.
8. you’re learning french for your boy which is the most adorable & romantic thing ever.
9. you’ve always been able to say, “no andra, i don’t think so” whenever i’ve wanted to do/wear/eat something terrible
10. you’re about to embark on a new adventure and i’m oh so excited for you!
Happy Birthday Lulu!