Ana Smith and Treger Strasberg formed Humble Design last year to provide families coming out of homeless shelters with functional and welcoming home interiors. Ana explains, "We'll meet the family at the space and find out what their likes and dislikes are. Then, we start the gathering process." By scouring Craiglist, garage sales, and thrift stores, the ladies of Humble Design are able to take unwanted household goods and turn them into much needed items for their families. They also strive to be completely green by reusing mistinted/returned paint. "We're trying to make Detroit the amazing city we know it can be. One family at a time," said Treger.
Both Treger and Ana are busy moms and it's very inspiring to see all that they have accomplished in just one year. To see photos and stories of some of the families they have helped visit their website
If you live in the Detroit area and have any extra mattresses/boxsprings/frames consider donating to Humble Design, it is one of their biggest needs. Ana and Treger might even stop by in their big white truck to pick it up for you!